Fractal Art

Sun Warrior

Made with Mandelbulb 3D. This image was my first published piece. It appeared in the April 2012 edition of the local art magazine, "Pure Uncut Candy". It was also exhibited at theTim Faulkner Gallery.


Made with Mandelbulb 3D.

Trippin' Balls

This was exhibited at Third St. Dive. Made with Mandelbulb 3D.


Made with Mandelbulb 3D.

Puking Rainbows #7

This was exhibited at theTim Faulkner Gallery. Currently, it can be found at Third St. Dive. Made with Mandelbulb 3D.

Puking Rainbows #8

Exhibited at Chez Moi Gallery. Made with Mandelbulb 3D.

Welcome To The Tragic Keefdom

This image became part of a much larger piece that I made in 2012 for the "Lost City of Abstractus" show. The show's theme centered around an archeological dig uncovering a technologically advanced, lost civilization. I built a framework out of wood and mounted the print in the middle, then attached plexi-glass over it and decorated it with RAM. I then attached 2 motherboards to each side and ran colored El Wire on top of them. The El Wire is powered by small battery packs that I tucked away behind the frame. The piece was also shown at the Tim Faulkner Gallery and Art From The Heart Gallery. Most recently, it found it's way onto the set of the Aby Laby Land video for their song "William Shrapner". (Centered on the wall above the drummer's head.)

© 2019 Tracy Parker.